sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Hacking for what?

I know I'll be cursed for this but sometimes I think about hacking and I came to only one conclusion: Hackers hack because they want to show how cool and smart they are.

If you ask yourself why you hack? Or why hackers hack? You will commonly have two answers:

1) Because they want to steal money (or goods).
2) Because they want to prove to some company that they have security issues.


Ok, let's take a look to those both reasons:

1) No matter how smart, how genius you are, 9 out of 10 hackers go to jail. Yeah, I know, then they commonly are asked for their services (Well, not that commonly). Maybe in the past but know with all the communication we have, I'm sure companies can hire a decent person as smart as a hacker)

So, my question is: If you are so intelligent, why going to jail? Is that time in jail worth a possible future good job? No way... If you say "yes", you don't actually know how is to be in jail...

2) Bullshit. What you want to show is how cool and smart you are. So stop doing it. You know what you get? You get a heavier and heavier software (just like MS Windows) because they have to stop assholes like these hackers who think they're doing something good for humanity.

If you take advantage of any security hole and steal money, I'm sure you will be jailed (because of my point #1 here)

I like the act of hacking because it makes me a better software developer but that's it. Knowing how a hacker thinks, I can get a faster and a more solid product. But I don't think I can make a 100% secure app. Becuase that should not matter.

Sorry folks but today I'm in a bad mood with hackers :-|