domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Microsoft, Nokia and Oracle: We're not in the 80's dude...

You know what happens when companies still working and doing business are still in the past? They write letters like this one:

They claim that Google gives Android for free but they force manufacturers to install software from Google (like Google Maps and more)

So, this is lame. Because:

1) It's FREE, dude! To ask for these apps pre-instaled is almost nothing. Microsoft charges for Windows and they have almost nothing from third party companies. Besides... Microsoft: You're not selling Windows for phones because of android. You can not sell it because your OS stinks! It does not work, man. Besides you have thousands of bugs and viruses!

You know what every new Windows user do when they complete their installation? They replace Internet Explorer with Chrome or Firefox. Admit it. You stink.

2) Why don't you do the same with Windows and Java and whatever Nokia has to offer as Operative System?

There are many other obvious reasons not worth listing here... Grow up dudes and start thinking for this century.