martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

HTML5, user agent, jQuery Mobile and browser versions

Programming for Web Mobile means that you need to know and analyze the strings for different user-agents out there (well, it's not mandatory, but sometimes gives pretty much customization for building better apps)

I let you here with some info and history:

- User Agent Strings 
One of the best places for getting all the info about you mobile devices is:

You will find there all the info about what device comes to your Web App and what OS has installed and the WebKit version using (if has one)

- WebKit 
You need to know that WebKit is a kind of framework used by the most popular browser (Opera is one of the latest using this)

For a complete list of WebKit versions and history, check this web site:

If you want to use HTML5 in your apps, you need to know what devices are supporting it. Check this web site:

- jQuery Mobile
This is my favourite API for developing mobile applications. Check compatibility and let the correct devices work with your apps. Use simple Javascript, CSS and HTML for those devices that are not supporting jQuery Mobile (I don't guess that'd be a good idea if you want to go ahead in your experience)